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10 posts total
Souvlaki Space Station 🛸

I would like to apologise to all Danes for spilling the beans on this but

Jeans are referred to as "cowboybukser" (cowboy pants) in Danish

By extension, all denim clothes are cowboy-whatever in Danish

As a result of this, my partner's washing machine has a setting that's only labelled "Cowboy"

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John Maxwell

@anarchiv - Note to self: Look into importing a washing machine from Denmark, so I'm prepared next time I need to buy one.


@anarchiv denmark 🤝 spain
denim pants = cowboys

Souvlaki Space Station 🛸

misread "healthcare" as "healthcore"

now punk subgenre that's all about taking good care of your body and mind

Souvlaki Space Station 🛸

partner served me a cup of tea in bed 😍

Souvlaki Space Station 🛸

dudes who talk about Tame Impala are returning to the bars

Nature is healing

Souvlaki Space Station 🛸

Under Summer is still a perfect, 10 out of 10 album and I am simply unable to believe that it's been five bloody years since it was released

Darius Kazemi

@anarchiv I've never heard of this album or the artist and 5 seconds of listening to the Bandcamp preview has convinced me to buy it immediately

Souvlaki Space Station 🛸

this is the kind of shit that just makes me angry you know

Souvlaki Space Station 🛸

I wonder if there are postcards specifically for doctors in love that say shit like "I'm abscessed with you"

Souvlaki Space Station 🛸

2020 will mark the end of the #ass dictatorship and the return of #tiddies

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