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2 posts total
Matt Noyes

I learned that some people don't know that Social.Coop is accepting registrations. We are, so feel free to register or tell others they can.

Please boost

Matt Noyes

How many cooperative Mastodon instances are there? Cooperative meaning democratically owned, governed, managed, moderated. Is there a list somewhere? Is the only one? Please boost.

¿Cuántas instancias de Mastodon cooperativas hay? ¿Cuáles son?


Combien d'instances Mastodon coopératives existent-ils? Lesquelles?

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semi-related I think it would also be sick if we hooked up with meat space coop orgs like NASCO

Jan Ulrich Hasecke

@Matt_Noyes The German servers and are run by the hosting cooperative Hostsharing.

The first is the home of cooperatives in Germand speaking countries, the second is for the members of Hostsharing.

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