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93 posts total

Oh my, oh my, dear me... hopefully this validation work can finish even before the deadline!


Microsoft's Bing map builder is somewhat middle of the way approach to Machine Learning (ML) data imports for OpenStreetMap - a la Maproulette too.

Probably this tool derives all the map-related ML from Meta (roads), Microsoft themself (buildings) and an unknown source to detect water bodies.

You have three options: roads, buildings or water bodies. You'll be taken to a random area, probably closer to your residence if you manually pan the map to do so.


Existing AI data will merely act as a guidance layer, showing what unmapped things should be put into the map, so actually you need to trace potential map data rather than, making an import.

And yeah, we've got to see how Microsoft's iD instance is like.


I thought when KartaView threw up something to do with CORS (it failed to display an intended street level picture which can be displayed in the OSM editors), it probably was the last straw (I often gave up, and had to be happy with what could be displayed in the editors).

So just now I tried opening one photo which gave a CORS error on my normal browsing profile... however, opening it on a private browsing window suddenly seemed OK...


Ivan Sanchez: "It's a matter of time Meta, Microsoft, Amazon (and TomTom) are happy in their comfort (maps database) bubble until Apple and/or Alphabet would exploit CLDA data without giving back anything"


"OpenStreetMap's nemesis was only and actually the (British) Ordnance Survey"

There's that too...


Overture? More like AI outputs from Microsoft and/or Meta; probably Amazon's own spin and guess what? Splattered all over the map (a la Google Maps, to the point buildings sit on roads - which also happen on Google Maps too)


Warning: fictitious

"The folks on OpenStreetMap really hate all these AI stuff... hey Linux Foundation, *nudge nudge wink wink* you think Mapzen is all you have?"


Dang. I misplaced my trusty Bluetooth GPS receiver that's been in use for 8 years plus...


In fact if I wanted a replacement they're freaking astronomically pricey, and might be available only in Singapore (or probably any Western European countries)...


Mikko: hey, you might be interested to grow an OSM community in your country! *some calls for proposal*

*so many things happened at work*

SORRY MIKKO! I JUST READ YOUR MESSAGE (from weeks ago)! ๐Ÿ˜ฐ ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Mapped about 38km along federal route 4 (yeah, kinda forgotten). Another district ticked. Took about 44 days, because... unexpected increased workload IRL. Took advantage of some collected ground truth data (at night ๐Ÿ˜…) and also, yeah. Surprise, surprise, Bing StreetSide came to the rescue as well! Yay!


OSM tile usage Q3 2022:

30 Philippines ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ญ
33 Indonesia ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ
50 Singapore ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฌ
57 Malaysia ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡พ
58 Vietnam ๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ณ
62 Thailand ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ญ


Wow, v4.0.2 looks like a lick of paint ๐Ÿ˜

(Thanks Amanda for the version bump)


"Traversed" 55km through Bing StreetSide, trying my best to improve OpenStreetMap data so far (started from a quite remote area which has a significant connector road) since 9 October. My quarantine will end tomorrow, so my rate of edits would be somehow moving real slow from another kilometre stone to another.


Yay or nay?

"Apple is sharing street name information in selected countries. We believe this data is accurate but we recommend, as with all data, that it should be verified locally. The data was derived from address data that was collected through various methods including field survey and is from 2020 and 2021. The street names were selected from the addresses near the street segments. We plan to continually update the data posted below as well, and will update the table below when we do."


"This contribution is made available for use under the OpenStreetMap ODbL license."

My country is on the list, probably fine for streets in residential estates. Just outside these specific areas... some gardening is required. Also, obligatory to put on a common sense cap.


@AkuAnakTimur I think I've seen Apple directly editing street names in some areas.


Someone distributed #JOSM on the Microsoft Store, with a price tag (of US$4.69) with a slight typo ("OpenStreet Map Editor") *I'm brutally clenching my teeth*.

The actual developers of JOSM thought it might carry something else as well.


The saga continues... here's the app's description:

"OpenStreet Map Editor is a powerful yet relatively user-friendly application that aims to assist you in editing portions of maps."

๐Ÿ†—โœ… but ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ’ข at the slight incorrect mention of 'OpenStreet Map'. Grrr...

"It enables you to plan ahead for a trip, for instance, and emphasize locations you need to reach."

โ“๐Ÿค” Wha...



I love being on a long coach trip but the ones on nighttime, was nothing but boredom.

At least I could collect/verify mapping data if it's daylight.


Someone's logic twisted my brains: a picture of a map on a wall - later, guess what, street names from the mentioned map ends up in OpenStreetMap.

What's next? Snaps of a definitely copyrighted atlas?


"Can you see in my picture? Can't see the copyright symbol *wink wink*"


"Have you seen any other mappers that are highly specialized?"

Yeah. They're super cool!

"Are you one yourself?"




Last July, apparently due to trolling those who are really obsessed with ""conspiracy theory"" around Diego Garcia (still one of the many pieces of land colonised by Britain)... some Malaysians decided to, uh, "vandalise" Google Maps data for said island.

Someone successfully put "a shelter for mourning Liverpool fans" (in Malay - ah, don't you love football banter) on the map.

I guess those with an eye on the map data had a great spring cleaning later.

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