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3 posts total

Huh, I wonder what [thing] is. *searches online*

*opens article*

*article is actually a video*

WELP, guess I'll never know! *closes tab*

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Simon 🪗

@bestiaexmachina yup - a lot of SM browsing for me is on call at work, or at home while other things are happening, so anything with audio isn't possible.


Sorry, not sorry 🤭


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Alison J(adotjdot)

@bestiaexmachina i love it


@bestiaexmachina I drew a snail like a year ago and surprisingly enough I did actually manage to place the eyes on the actual eyestalks

Quiet: _ line haver



Heads-up to my fellow metalheads: I have a female-fronted, lovecraftian-themed #DoomMetal solo project called Carcinizer!

You can check out my debut song "The Day It Came from the Sky" on Bandcamp:


Enjoy! 🤘🦀🤘

#MastoAudio #Metal #MastoRadio #Lovecraft #Lovecraftian

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self-made skeleton

@bestiaexmachina FUCK YEAH I JUST HEARD THIS that screaming vocal style is awesome, gravel-y voices ftw


You had me at "Carcinizer"! And then you kept me with a doom track that's right up my alley. Well done.

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