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31 posts total

Кстати я опять заболел
Горло болит и чувствую себя не так хорошо как хотелось бы :blobfoxbongoterrifiedstart: :blobfoxcofeterrified:


Мне как то пофиг на ТОН и всю эту штуку с тг криптой.
Но вечно весячая одна история от телеграмма которую НЕВОЗМОЖНО убрать - не простительно.
С каких пор телеграмм переименовали в "1 история" ? С этих пор.


В позапрошлом году


Видимо я никому не интересен


Есть только 2 гендера


О, этому арту уже год хD


День, что-бы нарисовать фуридея?


Let me organize an art competition!
I have almost 100 subscribers, so why not have a contest to celebrate?

For the winner I will draw a small piece of art of their character!

1) Repost this post and add to favorites.
2) Subscribe to me, if of course you want, this is not necessary. (
3) Reply to this post. In your answer, attach a reference of your character and whether you agree with the nsfw art.

I will respond to your answer with a character and write your number. If you have not received a response from me, your instance may be blocked or muted on mine (

Only real accounts you use can win the competition! An account without any information or a suspicious account will be re-selected if it wins.

The competition will end when my account reaches 100 subscribers (at the time of writing this post, I have 89 subscribers).
I will generate a random number from 1 to N, where N is the last participant in the competition. The resulting number will be the winner!
I'll record a video or even do a short stream summarizing the results. So stay tuned.
I will edit this post when the competition ends, so you can participate unless it says otherwise at the beginning of the post.

Let me organize an art competition!
I have almost 100 subscribers, so why not have a contest to celebrate?

For the winner I will draw a small piece of art of their character!

1) Repost this post and add to favorites.
2) Subscribe to me, if of course you want, this is not necessary. (
3) Reply to this post. In your answer, attach a reference of your character and whether you agree with the nsfw art.

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I am unable to understand the line of, "and whether you agree with the nsfw art."

Agree with a sketch you present, or am I complicating things then what they are?

Strawberry Doe i'm just a basic doe with pink hair and really small antlers, don't really have a proper ref yet, is that okay? (might try to find that one art later, if that's okay? ;; also №3 = yes) @ . @


only 1 subscriber left to 100! You can still participate if you want :blobfoxgooglymlem:


Вспомнил про #veloren и решил поиграть. Увы я не смог найти где был записан пароль, по какой-то причине его не было в базе данных из старого браузера (
Ну, мне пришлось делать новый аккаунт. Возможно я мог бы как-то попросить удалить свой старый аккаунт? Ну или я не знаю хд


Нарисовать Фарадея кантбоя?


Когда уже сделают резиновые диски чтоб растягивались?

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