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Let me organize an art competition!
I have almost 100 subscribers, so why not have a contest to celebrate?

For the winner I will draw a small piece of art of their character!

1) Repost this post and add to favorites.
2) Subscribe to me, if of course you want, this is not necessary. (
3) Reply to this post. In your answer, attach a reference of your character and whether you agree with the nsfw art.

I will respond to your answer with a character and write your number. If you have not received a response from me, your instance may be blocked or muted on mine (

Only real accounts you use can win the competition! An account without any information or a suspicious account will be re-selected if it wins.

The competition will end when my account reaches 100 subscribers (at the time of writing this post, I have 89 subscribers).
I will generate a random number from 1 to N, where N is the last participant in the competition. The resulting number will be the winner!
I'll record a video or even do a short stream summarizing the results. So stay tuned.
I will edit this post when the competition ends, so you can participate unless it says otherwise at the beginning of the post.


Also don’t forget to send your reference and all that.


I am unable to understand the line of, "and whether you agree with the nsfw art."

Agree with a sketch you present, or am I complicating things then what they are?




I meant, would you mind that maybe the art I'll draw will be nsfw. Essentially this is just a question for the future.


@DearFox OK, thank you for clearing that up for me. Sexify me up, Davinci.

Strawberry Doe i'm just a basic doe with pink hair and really small antlers, don't really have a proper ref yet, is that okay? (might try to find that one art later, if that's okay? ;; also №3 = yes) @ . @


only 1 subscriber left to 100! You can still participate if you want :blobfoxgooglymlem:

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