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8 posts total
Yumi Batgerel

Fuck Twitter! Haven’t done anything against their TOS..

Yumi Batgerel

Kindly be informed that within a span of 24 hours subsequent to my suspension, fraudulent accounts have emerged on Twitter, falsely purporting to be me. I hereby urge you to exercise caution and refrain from being deceived by their illicit activities.

Yumi Batgerel

Google blocked my VM for hosting #BTCPay Server which allowed me to invoice clients in Monero and Bitcoin. After 2 appeals, zero reaction. I was not mining cryptocurrency with 2vcpu and 2gb ram, it’s impossible!

Yumi Batgerel

After my fourth appeal and zero reaction from Google, I decided to delete my Google Cloud acc. Almost done syncing Monero & Bitcoin nodes on the new server.

Yumi Batgerel

I can neither confirm nor deny that this is my first toot. 😅

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