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22 posts total
Arcanya :arcanya:
Contrary to popular believe, these are not post scopes, they are for you to choose the topic of your post

Here on fedi we only talk about the five most important topics:
- Envelopes
- Padlocks
- Sinks with questionable tap placement
- Aggressively sliced plums
- Toxic waste
Contrary to popular believe, these are not post scopes, they are for you to choose the topic of your post

Here on fedi we only talk about the five most important topics:
Arcanya :arcanya:
onlyspans (the worst HTML document you have ever seen)
kiss linux and kiss lips
@Arcana Reminds me, there was a dude who went into the Chernobyl exclusion zone, looted an operating manual for the ES EVM (Soviet IBM 370 clone), scanned it, and put it online
Arcanya :arcanya:
People be like “I hate drugs except all the ones that are arbitrarily legal”
Arcanya :arcanya:
Sorry but "the Gnome community" is so funny to me, I know it's FOSS related but it just sounds like a group of angry little fellas in red hats
Arcanya :arcanya:
All the people who want to be maids should team up with all the people who can’t clean their room, that would be a powerful combination I think
Arcanya :arcanya:
the virgin "please use our mobile app uwu"
the chad "please use this xhtml 1.0 website because i don't know how to program apps"
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