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3 posts total
username is back up! thanks to everyone for y'all's patience, it was kinda stressful, but it was a lot more peaceful and easier to manage to be able to have an outage this long ๐Ÿ˜Œ hoping that we won't need another migration for a good long while! the new server has a lot more resources, and faster hard disks, so the instance should be snappier โ€“ and we also improved the server security, and tidied up the configuration, along the way ๐Ÿงน

huge thanks to the rest of the Tech Action Squad: @kawaiipunk and @liaizon for advice and comradeship, and @squeakypancakes for yet again spending some time in the sysadmin gutter with me ๐Ÿ‘ท

#sunbeam #mastoadmin is back up! thanks to everyone for y'all's patience, it was kinda stressful, but it was a lot more peaceful and easier to manage to be able to have an outage this long ๐Ÿ˜Œ hoping that we won't need another migration for a good long while! the new server has a lot more resources, and faster hard disks, so the instance should be snappier โ€“ and we also improved the server security, and tidied up the configuration, along the way ๐Ÿงน


my android phone seems to have finally died f'real after only 2 years of use, and the idea of replacing it is bumming me out like you can't believe.

anyone got a spare phone (recentish, AOSP / Lineage support ideal, but anything is better than nothing) sitting in a drawer they'd be willing to part with? I can cover shipping costs, and some donation towards your $next_phone_fund, but this is basically a beg-post.

Boosts incredibly welcome :boost_ok:


@handle Where in the world are you, friend?


๐Ÿ“ฃ I think I worked out a neat hack to get mobile phone service for cheap, in one of the world's worst cellular markets.

Anyone got ideas where I could publish this anonymously (so I don't doxx myself about where I am or what device and internet provider I'm using), that'd be seen by interested folks, that'd let me update it in future?


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