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Eric the Cerise


#ClimateCrisis #ClimateScience #ClimateChange #GreenhouseEffect

Somebody more knowledgeable please check my math here...

CO2 makes up ~79% of Greenhouse gases

CH4 (methane) makes up ~11.5%

Let's round off and say 7x more CO2.

*However*, CH4 is 28x more effective greenhouse gas.

So even at our current rates, CH4 is causing 4x more damage to our climate, than CO2.

If that's correct...shouldn't we be focusing a lot harder on CH4?

And please tell me I'm not the first to notice this.

Eric the Cerise


Okay...after further review...absolutely this, times 100.

Forget about CO2. Seriously. Just completely forget about it.

Methane is up to 80x worse. Cutting 1 ton of CH4 is about as effective as 80 tons of CO2.

N2O is up to 270x worse.

The various CFC-category gases are literally 1000s of times worse.

For various reasons, reducing emissions of these other gases is often easier than reducing many cases, a *lot* easier.

Yes, of course we also want to quit putting CO2 in the air.

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