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250 posts total
the project is not commercial

:blank: but interesting
I so fucking LOVE 🔥 finding good music and then trying to download it by a provided link only to see THIS AND THEN REALIZE IT WAS POSTED IN 2013
> receive a report
> read it
> accidentally mess up "actor" and "account" and DM the reported person with question "thank you i received your report but blah blah blah" instead of the one who sent the report itself
> beat yourself
> receive a report
> read it
> accidentally mess up "actor" and "account" and DM the reported person with question "thank you i received your report but blah blah blah" instead of the one who sent the report itself
Evv1L (Эвил)

> beat yourself
Don't do that :blobcathug:

Okay! Okay! Hear me out!

Fediverse RT/turn-based strategy where the most famous/infamous instances are fractions, users are units and the most famous/infamous ones are Heroes (like in Warcraft III, HoMM or Dawn of War), with modding system so everyone can add their instance to the game AND!!!! The grant campaign called "The Fall of"
Actual backdoors entrance. the more you look at it, the...
today i discovered that "Ace Attorney" vocaloid version actually exists
Received my diploma with bachelor's certificate, finally. One more plate for hot drinks and such...

Never ever ever ever again :akko_tired2:
some illegal necromancy resurrected our database. at this point i have no idea why it's even alive though But let's believe it bears on for much longer :praying:
I literally overslept my graduation process. 5 years of this shit only to skip the only important day the most retarded way
literally every single sol vn has that one character taken directly from your :pleroma_favicon: federation
When you watch "ghost in the shell" with your non-weeb friend and he likes it so much you together immediately watch "akira" afterwards. I say it's a win :satania_thumbs_up: ✨
Those have the least amount of weeb shit in them. If you showed them an anime with moe schoolgirls being lesbians they would never talk to you ever again.
inex: если напишешь !=, на тебя наорут
def: всмысле,
inex: ну напиши, посмотри
def: написал, никто не орёт
inex: потому что у тебя код тут не работает в принципе. надо писать работающий код, чтобы ide на тебя орало
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