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4 posts total
r2t3 :tor: :wireshark: :artix: :bitcoin: 📈 🌕 :chad2:

What browser is more bloated? Firefox or chrome? And what about chromium/ungoogled chromium is any better at the size level battle? Firefox on android as example has about 200 MB


@2T2 what if i told you - i dont use mobile browsers? i dont search browse or anything. my phone just couldnt do it... i have one for over 10y...

r2t3 :tor: :wireshark: :artix: :bitcoin: 📈 🌕 :chad2:

For the US highest temp ever recorded in 1913
with 56.7 °C (134 °F)
That temp never recorded ever since

r2t3 :tor: :wireshark: :artix: :bitcoin: 📈 🌕 :chad2:

> More Global moaning?
Yes please
>Took all years when was registered highest temp in Asia and made the simplest math op, arithmetic average
And it gives on average the year 2001 (aprox 21 years ago, 20.7 average heights of temps for Asia)

r2t3 :tor: :wireshark: :artix: :bitcoin: 📈 🌕 :chad2:

#GlobalMoaning part 2
In all this time the guys performed over 2400 nuclear 'tests' which equivalates with the energy used by 56 million people consuming 100kwh. Each nuclear bomb energy is like 233333 people consumed 100kwh in a blink of an eye (100kwh is the energy used by a household in a month)

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