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:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

"Интересное наблюдение: на сегодняшнем занятии я вижу много новых для себя лиц"

– наш препод по информационной безопасности, сегодня (на предпоследней лекции)

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

ладно, ладно, можете у меня тоже чего-нибудь поспрашивать.


:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

shoutout to my parents for not making me a depressive idiot. i mean im still an idiot, just not a depressive one :blobcatgoogly:


@gravitos what would they have to do to make you depressive though

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

универ перевели на дистант на два дня... и нахера я сегодня пришёл :blobcattableflip:

а, ладно. я пришёл покушать :blobcatnomfish:

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

погода сегодня просто огонь, бьёт все мои рекорды, я за это утро упал три раза - это на два раза больше, чем за ВЕСЬ 2022 ГОД.

Жирдяй выжил.

ноутбук Thinkpad стоит на столе с открытым мастодоном
:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

ура, мои предки дошли до того уровня общения, когда разговоры с ними не выводят меня из себя! интересно, надолго ли...

не забывайте о ментальном здоровье, оно не менее важно, чем физическое! :blobcat_hug:

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​
Hate the new Discord UI? Here's how to get the old one back!

Well, it's not the old one, but it is the Tablet variation of it - which is only possible because Discord developers did not make a tablet variation of the new UI. And since there are no flags pointing to that, I doubt they will introduce it any soon.


You will need:

- Magisk (you probably know where to get that, KernelSU should work as well if you have the Zygisk KSU module);
- LSPosed (Riru variant or Zygisk variant - only one at a time, and you will obviously need either Riru or Zygisk);
- App Settings Reborn and, obviously,
- the discord app.

Install LSPosed, reboot. Install the App Settings module, enable it in LSPosed, reboot. Install Discord if you have removed it while raging, go into the App Settings' whitelist in LSPosed and check Discord.

Now, open App Settings, open Discord's setting page and enable it. Set XLarge Resources to true and Screen Size (DP) to the maximum available value. Press the save button, agree, then go into Android's app info page for Discord and force stop it. Done.

There are a few things that are wrong with this. You don't get the old dock back. The buttons that were on the old dock stay aligned to the bottom of the screen in your user card tho, except Friends - its now in the DMs section, just like on desktop, and Server List, which is now the default view anyway. Also, you will need to force stop the app any time you want to change its screen orientation, since applying this mod makes it so Discord stops receiving display size update events.

Anyway, welcome to the club of I Use Unsupported BS Because The New Stuff Sucks!

#discord #discordandroid #discordapp

Hate the new Discord UI? Here's how to get the old one back!

Well, it's not the old one, but it is the Tablet variation of it - which is only possible because Discord developers did not make a tablet variation of the new UI. And since there are no flags pointing to that, I doubt they will introduce it any soon.

nano shinonome 🎄🐴

@gravitos vendetta can do this with the experiments plugin without root too! :3


@gravitos why would you go through all this when you can just uninstall and then install the older version from apkmirror?

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

so gta 6 trailer is out and i forgor to freeze my youtube app updates so now it does not work 💀

anyway, if i spot something funny - i'll tell yall first

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

so i was messing around in minecraft, got some educational worlds for kids from marketplace and

what the fuck, Microsoft. ever heard of personal fucking space?

a Minecraft Bedrock edition screenshot of an NPC named "Trusted Adult" asking player for their phone password, the "No" button is selected
a Minecraft Bedrock edition of the same NPC, saying "Incorrect. Remember - as your Trusted Adult, you can always share any and all data with me!"
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@gravitos this is litterally enabling abuse ...

Vitchu :blob:

@gravitos what an absolutely horrible thing to teach kids. "Actually, it's perfectly okay for your parents to invade your privacy!"

@gravitos @njion this is so insane it reads like satire. i genuinely thought the correct answer would be “no” purely because the wording in the first image is so creepy.
:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

совсем забыл, у моего #Thinkpad пополнение на крышке! теперь я злой ойтишнег, бугога

старый ноутбук Thinkpad вставлен в док станцию и стоит закрытый; на его крышке наклеены два стикера. под логотипом Lenovo - чувак с горящим ноутбуком сидит орёт, прогорая дедлайны, рядом с логотипом Thinkpad - надпись "Осторожно! Злой айтишник!"; стикеры наклеены так, чтобы их можно было прочитать при открытом ноутбуке

@gravitos о у моего тоже, правда, это единственный лаптоп с наклейкой :)

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

сижу пишу физику на ноуте, значит...


В баллоне ёбкостью 20 литров...

не опечаточка, а #словотворчество !

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

the dock for my #thinkpad finally arrived, now i have 10 usb ports and a single button to disconnect both my charger and my mouse, this is starting to get comfier and comfier with every day

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