пора сделать резервную копию своего телефона на этот раз такую, чтобы её потом было вообще возможно восстановить, лол wait 2019 was 5 years ago? :blobcatgooglyholdingitsheadinitshands: мне было охуеть как скучно, поэтому... помните тот ИИ, о котором болтала @mnnwvn? ну так вот, я начал писать для него гтк4 морду на питоне. потому что телегу всё время в фоне держать неприкольно More fun publisher surveillance:
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@jonny Aaah yes, DMCA against random citizens, enforced by the same govs who original funded the majority of the papers in the first place. So, the tax payer gets to pay for the education, the research, the access fee AND the cops and legal system who have to go after the right minded citizens who publish the stuff they already payed for at least twice. This is fine. 🔥 The market will regualte itself. “Jesus and Grimace are cousins!” was not a sentence I expected to write today, but here we are. #etymology BREAKING: #FuckStalkerware pt. 7 - israeli national police found trying to purchase stalkerware
for the first time ever, we can prove governments, intelligence companies and data brokers have tried to strike deals with mSpy, a stalkerware company https://maia.crimew.gay/posts/fuckstalkerware-7/ This one simple hack lets you keep using photoshop without paying a monthly subscription! Silicon Valley hates her!
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@billgoats Sorry, ‘ancient Mac’?? That hurt. I swear I only learned to use computers on this thing a few years ago in school 😂 See! You can even use it to do real work. Here I am editing the cat photo I posted to mastodon earlier today. #RetroComputing #caturday |