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5 posts total

happy 1700000000 to all who celebrate🎈

Patrick Johanneson 🚀


I missed it by 735, but then again I didn't realize it was coming up.


this sounds like the second good reason to take a closer look at #forth i've found within a week:

"I'm starting a series of articles that aims to hand-hold my former self, a regular web developer, into the rabbit hole leading to the wonderful world of low level programming. Hopefully, I can hand-hold you too.

The general goal is to broaden your perspectives on the subject of computing. I intend do to that through story arcs leading, step by step, to some nice and shiny objective. I also intend to work into a gimmick where in each episode, I get to tell one corny joke."

this sounds like the second good reason to take a closer look at #forth i've found within a week:

"I'm starting a series of articles that aims to hand-hold my former self, a regular web developer, into the rabbit hole leading to the wonderful world of low level programming. Hopefully, I can hand-hold you too.


i know that people brought up the story of google supporting xmpp in google talk for just as long as it suited them in the current #meta discussion. what i didn't see brought up: facebook chat actually supported xmpp as well (… for just as long as it suited them). the reasoning behind it was to "integrate it everywhere", i.e. make it harder to avoid it.


i think by @wim_v12e is one of the most important texts i read recently. even though its premise is grim - that "[b]y 2040 emissions from computing alone will be more than of half the emissions level acceptable to keep global warming below 1.5°C" - its promise is a very bright one. that by reducing, reusing, maintaining and recycling, everything old may become new again.


@computersandblues Thank you for reading! It is as you say, with business as usual it could be grim. So it's up to us to create the change that will avoid this.


@computersandblues Legislation & regulation to make e-waste incentivizing business practices will have to be part of it. Companies won't stop doing that shit without being forced to.


Regarding efficiency per watt though, I think we'll see purpose-specific & semi-analog accelerator hardware make a come-back more generally.

As for data centers, disposable servers must be stopped.

#RightToRepair #ReduceReuseRecyle #StopSoftwareBloat #Upgradability

@computersandblues Legislation & regulation to make e-waste incentivizing business practices will have to be part of it. Companies won't stop doing that shit without being forced to.


Regarding efficiency per watt though, I think we'll see purpose-specific & semi-analog accelerator hardware make a come-back more generally.


this is a screenshot of a text-only page from the official typescript documentation* proudly displaying that it takes more than an entire second to load. again: text only. some very highly paid engineers worked on this, creating tools for thousands of others. all those wasted cpu cycles…


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