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190 posts total
Rin ex-Patchouli
there is a malaysian cell and fibre provider called unifi. how has ubiquity not sued the shit out of them
Rin ex-Patchouli
my favorite moment in soapbox soap opera was when alex gleason said "it's soap time" and started eating a soap bar
baobao my favorite moment in alex greason is when he said "it's greasin time" and started frying some tater tots

Rin ex-Patchouli
read a dw article several days ago where german migration ministry said something like "being drafted in itself is not a condition for getting asylum. russian federation has a lawful right to maintain it's military forces". what a take lol
Rin ex-Patchouli
someone chartered a malaysia airlines flight from tashkent to kuala-lumpur this friday?? bought the tickets, guess I am going through uzbekistan
Rin ex-Patchouli
in the malaysian embassy they just sit all the visa applicants on the table and one worker comes to check and take away your application once done.

was sitting in front of a ~60 year old very soviet looking grandpa, apparently filing for a work visa. the worker came to check his application and he was like "actually, I am filing with this passport" and pulls out an american one. was a real amongus impostor moment
Rin ex-Patchouli
gave them my passport. should have it back with a proper stamp in 2-3 days
Rin ex-Patchouli
this is totally not sprite totally not produced by totally not renamed coca cola hbc
Rin ex-Patchouli
got a union pay card from the russian-chinese "solidarity" bank. let's see if it actually works in malaysia
Rin ex-Patchouli
an artifact from a bizzare time I found today: notarized translation of my passport to armenian

(was going to post a pic, but it is very easy to accidentally dox myself when all I see is random squiggles)
Rin ex-Patchouli
got my visa approval letter at 3am malaysian time on a sunday???
Rin ex-Patchouli
either way, very good news. will file for entry visa on monday and likely be in malaysia by end of next week
Rin ex-Patchouli
I am actually still a student at the petesburg uni. didn't bother going up to them and saying I want to quit. because like, they will eventually expel me themselves, and this way I get them to write a few angry emails to me
Rin ex-Patchouli
me and petersburg uni group mates have a running joke that every time a teacher asks "where is $person?" and the said student is already expelled we just say he is "very/gravely ill".

so when the said mates asked where I am at today, I answered with "gravely ill. will be back in 4 years"
Rin ex-Patchouli
good thing I am an immoral foreigner
Rin ex-Patchouli
uni sent me a student handbook and it seems like it was written before the malaysian campus even existed
Rin ex-Patchouli
very peaceful days waiting for visa where I am finished with all my responsibilities in russia, so I just revisit places important to me in my favorite city, meet friends and cook food.

really enjoying it, but also can't wait for them to end
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