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190 posts total
Rin ex-Patchouli
scanned 20 pages of documents for free at a public library. thank you finnish taxpayer
Rin ex-Patchouli
wanted to get some lidl sneakers, but they did not have my size, so I just got the ball
Rin ex-Patchouli
interesting finnish national museum exhibit
Rin ex-Patchouli
enjoying the countryside life

(me and zonk rented a room in some suburban part of espoo because it was the cheapest airbnb near helsinki and had to wait 30 minutes for the bus when we missed previous one by 30 seconds)
enjoying the countryside life

Rin ex-Patchouli
whoa check this out, somebody made a 3d printed version of the vlc mediaplayer logo
Rin ex-Patchouli
> mfw threw out a bottle before realizing I can return it at the supermarket for 10 eurocents
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