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190 posts total
Rin ex-Patchouli
apparently new uni has an anime and manga club

conflicted whether I want to cringe at them or with them
Rin ex-Patchouli
once a while I remember that one time me and zonk were playing mario party on nintendo ds during literature class and we got a game where you are supposed to continuously scream as loud as possible to win. makes me laugh every time
Rin ex-Patchouli
military office acknowledged my departure and confiscated my military id :aqua_dab:
Rin ex-Patchouli
remember when pleroma didn't support image-only posts, so it automatically put a "." in post content if you just submitted the images
Rin ex-Patchouli
every time I set up a new linux machine I have a good think which waifu I want to name it after. was very surprised when I helped a friend, who probably spent 20+ hours writing custom scripts to rice his setup, migrate to a new machine and when I asked him if he already has an idea for a hostname he was like "this is literally the least important part, who even cares" and just named it archiso
Rin ex-Patchouli
decided I would experiment with not shaving for a month, about 15 days ago. sent a picture of myself to a friend yesterday and he replied with "you look like porn parody actor for luigi".

I am not sure whether to consider this success
Rin ex-Patchouli
what sorcery is this

t. always burned isos to usb drives using dd
(λiska. :gnujihad: ) cat is the same but faster (at least the GNYU version is)

🇩🇪 くら Woomy (:smug_kura:) difference between cat and dd:

dd has always a static block size (but you can specify your own block size [with the
bullshitbs parameter])

cat is adjusting block size constantly and never made promises about a constant value to give generic speed ups.

Rin ex-Patchouli
selling a monitor because I am moving. friend from moscow asked if I could just give it to him. I said sure, as long as he pays for the shipping. when we calculated the shipping costs, it turned out it is much cheaper for him to "buy" it off me on a local ebay alternative and for me to return him the money, since their shipping is a flat rate determined by an algorithm that works purely off ad description
Rin ex-Patchouli
guy on a mercedes advocating for the "purge of national traitors" lmao
Rin ex-Patchouli
national liberation front is a movement that long before the war advocated fringe ideas like restoring 1945 soviet borders, abolishment of international law preference, direct control over the central bank and no audits for it, separate education for different genders (but at the same time return of education to soviet standards???). all in the name of returning russia the sovereignty, because supposedly we became a colony of the west when we adopted 1993 constitution.

the fuck you are driving a western car for then? or is it east german?
national liberation front is a movement that long before the war advocated fringe ideas like restoring 1945 soviet borders, abolishment of international law preference, direct control over the central bank and no audits for it, separate education for different genders (but at the same time return of education to soviet standards???). all in the name of returning russia the sovereignty, because supposedly we became a colony of the west when we adopted 1993 constitution.
Rin ex-Patchouli
kinda weird that I visited like 5 "tasty, full stop" locations and none of them had a sign, just posters with the new branding. either the manufacturing capacity for signs in russia is unable to meet their demand (probably not), the rebranding was so hasty they are still actually designing the sign (lol), or they are not fully committed to the name (also lol)
Rin ex-Patchouli
I wonder what fast food chain this is
:umu: :umu:

oh, it's this one! It's known all around the world! Can't remember it's name...


BkycHo u To4ka
Rin ex-Patchouli
overheard a family conversation on a train to petersburg

announcer: the train is arriving to st. petersburg, the hero city of leningrad
older sister: I wonder what other hero cities there are, let's look it up
older sister: odessa, that's ukraine
yonger sister: what about kerch, where is that?
older sister: that's crimea
mother: and crimea is in?

5 second silence

older sister: so anyway, the hero city of leningrad
overheard a family conversation on a train to petersburg

announcer: the train is arriving to st. petersburg, the hero city of leningrad
older sister: I wonder what other hero cities there are, let's look it up
Rin ex-Patchouli
transferring my phone number to a different network and my current network got so desperate they offered me a 70 percent lifetime discount if I stay. I should have done this ages ago
Rin ex-Patchouli
for the record I already paid like $7 for 30gb of mobile internet without any discounts
Rin ex-Patchouli
long-time followers might remember how I spent august last year dealing with the military office

well this august I am dealing with two military offices in different cities 💀
Rin ex-Patchouli
@kaedechan yup. fortunately they actually realized I did a stupid and just sent it to me for correction
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