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9 posts total
Gabe Kangas
My heart goes out to xz. A single maintainer, who was clearly in a rough place with mental health, screaming out to the world for some help and additional contributions, and somebody shows up wanting to help. Could you imagine how happy that maintainer was? They were no longer alone.

And it turns out the only reason somebody wanted to help them was nefarious. I can’t imagine how they feel right now as everyone is blaming them. I hope they’re ok.
My heart goes out to xz. A single maintainer, who was clearly in a rough place with mental health, screaming out to the world for some help and additional contributions, and somebody shows up wanting to help. Could you imagine how happy that maintainer was? They were no longer alone.
Gabe Kangas
I have so many Owncast things in the roadmap to build that I know people are waiting for. But in the six months or so, I've had just enough of a solid stream of bug fixes, small tweaks, and smaller quality of life improvements coming in that I never get a chance to sit down and work on the big features like I used to.

I know nobody is pushing me, but I'm pushing me. I want to build cool shit to solve the challenges streamers have. Every day I'm like "ugh, if I could just give you X! Some day you'll see!".

I'm trying hard to get from under this, and pushing myself harder to get through the smaller updates. I'm also realistic that those things don't stop coming in, but things happen in waves, and I'm sure I'll be able to focus on the big things soon.
I have so many Owncast things in the roadmap to build that I know people are waiting for. But in the six months or so, I've had just enough of a solid stream of bug fixes, small tweaks, and smaller quality of life improvements coming in that I never get a chance to sit down and work on the big features like I used to.
Gabe Kangas
Owncast release days are good days.

Unless they're bad. Then they're not good. Hopefully this is a good one.
Gabe Kangas
I wish I had somebody else seriously involved with Owncast. It would be amazing to have somebody to share things with, positive or negative. But there's nobody else in the world who cares, or even understands the nitty gritty day to day that I can talk to. I'm sure there's people who would listen, but nobody would _care_.
Gabe Kangas
Reminder that there's only two days left in #fedivision voting! Go listen and vote for your favorite! I submitted a song this year, so if you're at all curious it's up there.
Gabe Kangas
If you haven't voted yet, get into #Fedivision!

I personally voted for @controlfreak's track because it's dope.
Gabe Kangas
The recent meeting of the Social Web Incubator Community Group led to a lot of discussion around how we can collectively assist and improve the experience around building for the #Fediverse using #ActivityPub and related protocols. One suggestion that excited people was for Fediverse developers to convene around the real-world challenges around implementation.

We hope to take advantage of this momentum by getting together to discuss how we might all assist each other, build documentation, tooling, testing and education resources a la the Mozilla Developer Network.

If your project is big or small, new or old, or you're thinking of building something on the Fediverse I urge you to be represented at this call. Mark your calendar.

April 10th 15:00 UTC 8:00am Pacific

/cc @fedidevs
The recent meeting of the Social Web Incubator Community Group led to a lot of discussion around how we can collectively assist and improve the experience around building for the #Fediverse using #ActivityPub and related protocols. One suggestion that excited people was for Fediverse developers to convene around the real-world challenges around implementation.
Gabe Kangas
If you could change one thing in the history of the internet that would have impacted the trajectory that led us to this point, what would it be?

For me I think it would have been the development of the Facebook “like” button that people would put on every page. That felt like a turning point from Facebook being a quaint collection of friends and posts to expanding out and focusing on engagement and data collection outside of just their platform.
If you could change one thing in the history of the internet that would have impacted the trajectory that led us to this point, what would it be?

For me I think it would have been the development of the Facebook “like” button that people would put on every page. That felt like a turning point from Facebook being a quaint collection of friends and posts to expanding out and focusing on engagement and...
I would've told Microsoft and Eric Allman to get stuffed when they rejected our (Netscape) proposal for ending email spam and malware by adding end-to-end signature verification to ESMTP -- in 1996. And when Zuck was in my guitar shoppe in 2003 I could've electrocuted him.

Missed opportunities...
Gabe Kangas
This comes off more as a threat than anything else.
Hans van Zijst
"No need to send a resume, we already know everything."
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