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12 posts total
PrivateGER :owo:

✅ is software
✅ is federated
✅ could support activitypub over SMTP

postfix is a misskey fork

PrivateGER :owo:

wow, that's amazing, straight from truly the safest platform out there

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

@privateger fun fact: if you somehow find a way to inject sponsorblock into the youtube for tv webapp (for example, by spoofing your useragent to a samsung smart tv and going to, you can use it with youtube for smart tvs.

for android based tvs, this is doable by using firefox or one of the extension capable chromium forks (like Kiwi), or just install revanced on it

PrivateGER :owo:

People that can use CSS are magicians to me

"yeah I just centered the flexbox in the div with a nested pseudo selector and z-level to control stacking and made it responsive"
you WHAT

PrivateGER :owo:

Custom emojis are the most comfy fedi feature by far.
I love it.

PrivateGER :owo: I'm a bit scared of code AI. Holy shit.

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