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48 posts total
xkcd bot

title text: They tried to report me to the authorities, but because I had the device they couldn't charge me.


xkcd bot

title text: FYI: The 'drop, cover, and hold on' advice only applies to earthquakes. If you encounter a mountain lion, you should absolutely not drop to the ground, crawl under it, and hold on to one of its legs.


xkcd bot

title text: Getting the utility people to run transmission lines to Earth is expensive, but it will pay for itself in no time.


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Geoff Coffey

@xkcdbot This is called a Dyson Cap.

Sam Levine

@xkcdbot Single panel comic.
Option A: a solar panel 1 meter square on a house's roof labeled south facing. Math underneath: $0.20 per kWh times 4 kWh per meter square per day times 1 meter square times 20% equals $58 per year

Option B: the same solar panel on the surface of the sun labeled downward. Math underneath: $0.20 per kWh times sun luminosity divided by the sun area times 1 meter square times 20% equals $22 million per year

#AltText 1/2

Colin Payne

@xkcdbot It is important to rememeber that every 19 months you will have to disconnect he cables to your solar panels to let Venus go past.

xkcd bot

title text: The increasing number of graham crackers and chocolate bars in orbit has created a growing risk of Kessler s'mores.


Sam Levine

@xkcdbot 5 panel comic. Note: comic is reverse of the usual, the background is black and the drawings and text are white.

1. Two figures walking at a distance. Fig 1 says "So where is this spot. Fig 2 replies "It's just up ahead"

2. Zoom in on the figures. Fig 2 says "You know, fireflies don't have to exist."

xkcd bot

title text: When I began trying to form a new claim by stitching together these parts in such an unnatural way, some called me mad.


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Frankenstein is rather relatable.
I also look at my projects and then get sick for several months.


@xkcdbot The doctor is Viktor Frankestein, and the monster is legally his child, so he has the same surname: Adam Frankenstein

Jordyn (Pi/Pem)

@xkcdbot the doctor is Victor Frankenstein, the monster is Frankenstein Frankenstein

xkcd bot

title text: Slowly progressing from 'how do protons behave in relativistic collisions?' to 'what the heck are protons even doing when they're just sitting there?'


Ben Allen

@xkcdbot best description of actual math research I've seen

Sam Levine

@xkcdbot Three panel comic.

1. No hair sitting in front of a laptop. Pony tail is standing behind them. No hair says "When I started this morning there were a few edge cases I was confused about.

2. Zoom in on no hair, who says "But now, after a full day of research,"

3. Zoom back out to both figures. No hair says "I'm confused about all the regular cases too."
Pony tail says "Ah, actual progress."


xkcd bot

title text: With most labs, the hushed horror stories are about something like dimethylmercury or prions, but occasionally you'll get a weird lab where it's about the soda machine or the drop ceiling.


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