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A few people have asked about our use of Cloudflare. Here’s details on how we use it, and why.

Hugo 雨果

@fosstodon This clarity and transparency is much appreciated!


@fosstodon I've asked Fastly for a quote in June and still don't know what the DDoS service costs. CF is not an option for me.

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@fosstodon Thanks for posting and for the measured response.

root.admin :unverified:

@fosstodon here's my understanding on how federation works:

someone in fosstodon would need to follow a p92 account or boost/search their posts before these two servers are federated.

so what anti-meta mob asking is for admins to pre-emptively prevent their users from making contact with people on p92, just in case?

pls correct me if this is wrong...

Airikr :endeavourOS:

@fosstodon "So if this service introduces any issues that could negatively impact our users, we will defederate."

Does that mean that you 2 will disappear from any Mastodon instance? Or does it mean that you will shutdown Fosstodon?

@fosstodon @kev Is there any detail on your setup there?

You say you had to upgrade 'the server', this all runs on one server or was that figurative?

Is there any kind or replication support?

@fosstodon @kev I just upped my Patreon contribution to $9/month - those server costs are starting to really add up!

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