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17 posts total
dommy mommy :catto_blush:
someone made systemd erotica and posted it for sale on amazon.

it's 53 pages long

:cry: it even has an audiobook version
dommy mommy :catto_blush:
how to delete accounts: a guide that should work for most modern websites

1. navigate to the account settings page of the given website
2. look for the account delete button
3. fail to locate it
4. ctrl f the page and find it. notice that the color of it is the same as the background.
5. answer yes to "are you sure"
5. repeat step five as many times as needed
7. give the website a three paragraph explanation as to why you are deleting your account
8. the website will ask if you are sure again. answer yes.
9. the website will now ask you to type "CONFIRN". yes, the misspelling is intentional, and you will have to repeat all the steps above if you initially mess this up.
10. the deletion will fail. no worries! in order to make your decision clear, rent a helicopter and make a sign that says "CONFIRN (your username here)". fly it above the headquarters of the website that you are trying to delete your account from.
11. your account is now deleted! congratulations. there are no more steps to take. your account will be deleted in 90 days minimum. do note that if your name has any vowel in it, you account deletion will take 200 days instead due to system limitations.
how to delete accounts: a guide that should work for most modern websites

1. navigate to the account settings page of the given website
2. look for the account delete button
dommy mommy :catto_blush:
seeing a lot more people on fedi doing bad lately :cry:

- you will get a girlfriend
- you will get over your old girlfriend
- the world is not hopeless
- things just take too long to fall into place sometimes

I hope things get better for everyone :nkoLove: the only advice I have for today is: don’t be a bystander in your life!
seeing a lot more people on fedi doing bad lately :cry:

- you will get a girlfriend
- you will get over your old girlfriend
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