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12 posts total
Elizafox, online friend

If you don't like mixed-race indigenous folk 1) you're racist, 2) I will not argue this point with you, 3) you are no better than a settler Nazi with your bloodline purity shit, 4) don't interact.

Elizafox, online friend

If you come up in my @'s with some bullshit trying to justify your racism I will call you a racist and then block you.

Elizafox, online friend

You know, I dated a 40 yo when I was 30 and it was fine.

Elizafox, online friend

People get worked up about what two consenting adults do.

My advice: don't.

Elizafox, online friend

Um did the US government just basically open an SCP office

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:thufie: red bean slime :contains_thc:

@Elizafox salaried havanah syndrome research so paranoid ex spys and diplomats can have working retirements on gov dime

owls, but spooky 🎃

@Elizafox this might be the single most terrifying thing I have ever seen

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Uncommon Raven

@Elizafox it's so hot the traffic cones have erectile dysfunction

tomxcd :coffefiedred:

@Elizafox A red-orange traffic cone that looks like it has the air sucked out of it, and is lying on the ground flat.

Elizafox, online friend


I've made a few of these posts but there's renewed urgency.

Roe vs. Wade was just overturned, and Oklahoma now has the strictest abortion laws in the country.

They're pretty much guaranteed to go after gay marriage, trans rights, and sodomy next.

My family is freaking out obviously. We gotta get out of this state pronto. This is a serious potential safety issue.

Please help, even a little?

Elizafox, online friend

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