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2 posts total
Gracious Anthracite

Ooh nice, the people who made Tweetbot (the best Twitter app IMHO) are making a Mastodon app.

Gracious Anthracite

My main thought on Cohost:

Livejournal made this promise too. "Forever" turned out to be... about eight years, before Brad got sick of learning that running a social media site mostly consists of moderating the horrible shit users will say to each other, and sold it to Six Apart, who then sold it to Russians.

Stormy Dragon


Thank you for moderating the horrible shit we say to each other! 🥰

Kauko Firetale

@anthracite well I mean they could actually do the other thing which is "shut it down" but users rarely want that either lol

nisima @ Team Wither 🍄

@anthracite honestly

eight years is not a bad run and the way the internet turns I sort of expect to have to jump to a different service around every five years or so because something turned to shit or shut down or...

you are 100% correct, though

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