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4 posts total
Raven Luni

@root42 @tubetime Do you still have to pay stupid amounts of money to use the hdmi standard?


This Jazz16 based sound card from 1994 was my first sound card. Back then in a 486SX25. What was your first sound card?
#retrocomputing #retrogaming

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not quite sure anymore if it was Soundblaster 2 or pro - it was the ISA-version and came bundled with Lemmings and Indianapolis 500 afair

Григорий Клюшников

I don't know lol. That was our family PC and I was like 3 years old at the time we got it. But the first computer I had completely to myself had some sound chip built into the motherboard. It just worked on XP with no drivers or configuration.


Chromatic Distortion by Logicoma/Resource on REAL hardware. :)
(CC @h0ffman)
#revisionparty2023 #demoscene #commodore #c16 #plus4

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