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552 posts total
Andrew Tropin

rde meetup #3 will take place this saturday, 13:00 UTC.

We plan to discuss rde roadmap, modal editing and how to improve documentation.

Andrew Tropin

The reason I'm not very smart today is because I thought I was really smart yesterday.

Andrew Tropin

I guess I understood what a delimited continuation is!

The examples in this talk by @wingo just clicked:

I love "a historicall accident" parts :)

If you have other good learning resources on the topic of continuations, please share.

Alan 🎲

@abcdw @wingo I'm not sure it qualifies, but Section 5 of this draft describes how to add delimited computations to a language using a meta language that can express delimited continuations

Vivien the Trumpeting Elephant

@abcdw @wingo As I am not a native English speaker, I had a lot of trouble understanding the thing because of phrases such as "unwind" and "dynamic wind"… I mean, do the CPU fans spin faster and create more wind?

Panicz Maciej Godek

FWIW I once came up with this:

My implementation used call/cc, but then someone redid it using delimited continuations.

Andrew Tropin

Preparing the last stream in the series related to scheme static sites generators:

#scheme #guile #lisp #haunt

Andrew Tropin

I'm a little adventurous today and really considering ThinkPad on ARM from Japan (:

My current laptop is falling apart, yubikey died yesterday, so it's definitely time to fresh up my devices. I know that x1 carbon will work for me 100%, but what is joy in being hundred percent sure?)

Already collected a bunch of links to various kernel patches for x13s.

I guess I can use the #pinephone as a substitute server :D

#laptop #arm #thinkpad #guix

Andrew Tropin

How a fingerprint reader get called a security feature?

Isn't it an anti-security feature?

Chucho :gnu: :freedo: :guix:

@abcdw everything is matter of trust. I honestly don't think giving my fingerprint to companies like Google who are famous for harvesting data would be a good idea.

David Wilson

@abcdw depends on whether you like smaller screens. I love my Nano, I don't think I'd go back to a Carbon

Andrew Tropin

Migrated my website to Haunt. A lot of work ahead, but I already can start writing blog posts.

#scheme #lisp #guile #ssg #haunt

Mirko Hernandez

@abcdw Thanks for showcasing Haunt, I tried it for a few days and was shocked at how customizable it is.I will be migrating some fractal code to it, and see if I can replace it completely.

Andrew Tropin

rde Meetup #3 is [re]scheduled for May 27.

We plan to explore guile and rde future work plans, meow and modal editing, project documentation.

Join IRC/matrix for more interesting talks:

#rde #guix #guile #irc #matrix #meetup

Andrew Tropin

Implemented bencode encoding/decoding in Guile Scheme.

TDD is a pleasure, when you have proper tools and can [re]run specific test groups instantly.

#guile #scheme #lisp #tdd #emacs

Nikita Domnitskii

@abcdw I recently thought about rewriting my bencode parser using accumulators/generators from srfi-158, maybe you can take a look

Andrew Tropin

Lack of a built-in associative array/map in Scheme regularly hits and bothers me. It's so generic and so useful, maybe we will add it in r8rs?

Alists doesn't work here not only for performance reason, but because we can't distinguish empty list and empty alist.

#scheme #lisp #guile

Ramin Honary From what I understand, Hash tables are part of the R7RS-Large standard, which has not yet been finalized (R7RS-Small has been finalized as of 2013). According to the R7RS-Large document, it has been decided that hash tables will be implemented as part of the standard according to SRFI-125

Check out Section 3.3 of the R7RS-large "Red" document, and also check out the notes . Any Scheme implementation you use that implements SRFI-125 will already be compliant with the new standard. Also note at the beginning of the doucment there is a section called "Red Edition Ballot Results", on page 8 (item 7) they mention that SRFI-125 was voted on to be included in the standard. From what I understand, Hash tables are part of the R7RS-Large standard, which has not yet been finalized (R7RS-Small has been finalized as of 2013). According to the R7RS-Large document, it has been decided that hash tables will be implemented as part of the standard according to

@abcdw that would be great. I love the clojure syntax. Perhaps that could pave the way for edn in scheme.

Andrew Tropin

Tomorrow I continue to explore Haunt (Static Site Generator by @dthompson written in Scheme), will migrate my current pages to it and make a foundation for the blog:

#scheme #guile #lisp #haunt #emacs

Andrew Tropin

G-exps, derivations, creating your own file-like objects and much more. Another great post from unmatched-paren. If you into #guix, I highly recommend this series for better understanding of internals.

#lisp #scheme

Andrew Tropin

Doing Guile wrapper for tree-sitter is definitely possible and maybe even not that painful as I expected. Just a few hours of hacking and we have the first meaningful output!

It's only the beginning and there is a lot of work ahead, but it feels doable.

Much kudos to @lechner for inspiration and help!

Andrew Tropin

We plan a small online rde meetup on May 13 and here is a CFP:

Bring your own talks and questions on #emacs, #guix, #rde and related tools and workflows.

Andrew Tropin

Somedays it feels like I've done nothing today, in such moments it's hard not to blame yourself, but in reality I was scratching the ground of a few topics, prepared various small gears, reevaluated already known things, I'll build later upon.

Sometimes we need to be less harsh and kinder to ourselves.

Andrew Tropin

Just realized that today I'm like a stereotypical guy from "How does one patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?" meme: watched anime, while waiting patched linux kernel to build, lol.

Andrew Tropin

Do someone with Guile FFI experience want to help me to get started with guile-tree-sitter? (:

Just share some FFI best practices and/or highlight overall direction/approach will be enough.

#guile #lisp #treesitter #ffi

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