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📡(RTP) Privacy & Tech Tips

:thunderbird: Thunderbird & 🔐 PGP Setup Tutorial

(I2Pmail Example)

Did you know I2P offers email!? 😀

you@mail.i2p &

Let's set this up today. It'll be fun! :ablobcatrave: :terminal: :thunderbird:

Watch on #TILvids / #peertube

#email #thunderbird #mozilla #I2P #mail #communication #infosec #cybersecurity #privacy #journalism #security #PGP #gpg #OpenPGP #FOSS #anonymity #anonymous #education #I2Pmail #postman

📡(RTP) Privacy & Tech Tips

Try this?

Send me an email: righttoprivacy[at]mail.i2p

I'll email back, helping you verify PGP / setup

@RTP "Yes officer, here's my registration. I've got my ID right here in my bag. No, that there is my phone, my ID is in that bag. No sir, I would never install that app on my phone, so the government issued me one for my iD app - it's in that bag.

What? Oh. Yes. It's called a faraday bag. Here's my ID. Turn it on? I think the battery is dead, but feel free to charge it up, I'll just sit here on the side of the boulevard, pulled over by you, while you do that. No sir, I actually don't even own a charger for that ID.

Oh, okay..., sorry you don't have the time to put a charge on my ID, that I keep in my faraday bag, with the battery run down to zero, without a charger, and inconveniencing the dirty bolshevik government that can't track me as a result.

Apple 🍏 ??? No sir, I would never own one of those - they're full of worms!

Yes, you have a nice day too officer!"
@RTP "Yes officer, here's my registration. I've got my ID right here in my bag. No, that there is my phone, my ID is in that bag. No sir, I would never install that app on my phone, so the government issued me one for my iD app - it's in that bag.

📡(RTP) Privacy & Tech Tips

Thanks Youtube. For making my comments invisible unless I am signed in.

For absolutely no reason.

#Youtube #Shadowbanning #Lame #Google #SocialMedia


@RTP same here, but in my case, all my comments that I post, in any video, they're magically deleted after some seconds, YouTube shadow banned me forever I think

📡(RTP) Privacy & Tech Tips

WiPri (WiFi Privacy) Updated Today (any Linux):

Many custom/classic options: unique mac address spoof + hostname + signal strength + SSID (including customized boot options added today) w/unique settings (including multiple types of continual changing randomization or device/brand mimic randomization) + protection checks from leaks (on static settings) (Continued...)

#Privacy #HumanRights #Linux #WiPri #metadata #anonymous #Infosec

Tor Download: gg6zxtreajiijztyy5g6bt5o6l3qu3

Opening screenshots:

WiPri (WiFi Privacy) Updated Today (any Linux):

Many custom/classic options: unique mac address spoof + hostname + signal strength + SSID (including customized boot options added today) w/unique settings (including multiple types of continual changing randomization or device/brand mimic randomization) + protection checks from leaks (on static settings) (Continued...)

📡(RTP) Privacy & Tech Tips

UPDATE: New WiPri For #Linux w/boot options:

-w flag (optional) turn radio off w/you leave home net area can now be used to change boot options / upgrade wipri boot service.
#macAddress #spoofing #privacy #HumanRights #anonymity #metadata #anonymous #Pinephone

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