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135 posts total

INTERNET: Sorry, buddy. Gotta wait until the page loads.
ME: *blocks all tracking DNS requests*

Go ahead and recommend me some anime with a metal soundtrack. I'm getting sick of J-pop. #anime #metal
May and August are the basest months, change my mind.
It always feels like ancoms are trying to bend Stirnerian egoism to be less nihilistic and more altruistic. Non-domination is just secular humanism rebranded. Are we really nihilistic if we hold equality sacred? Aren't we creating new idols to pray to as a replacement for our old ones which nonetheless reflect them in a different way? It's all just a psyop, secular humanists are infiltrating the Stirnerian circles and I don't like this. I'm no fascist but structural fascism is no better, it's dragging the Stirnerian discourse back.
It always feels like ancoms are trying to bend Stirnerian egoism to be less nihilistic and more altruistic. Non-domination is just secular humanism rebranded. Are we really nihilistic if we hold equality sacred? Aren't we creating new idols to pray to as a replacement for our old ones which nonetheless reflect them in a different way? It's all just a psyop, secular humanists are infiltrating the Stirnerian circles and I don't like this. I'm no fascist but structural fascism is no better, it's dragging...
I won't stop at anything to guarantee the free flow of political desire. All idols shall be burned and buried as deep into the ground as possible. Nothing is sacred, we live in a society.
Every time I fail to wake up early I feel an immense emotional pain and hopelessness.

@nyx Nyx, you said you like NixOS but it has neither SELinux nor proper software isolation like in, say, Qubes OS. What about the security concerns?


The file system is not decentralized enough.


“Our self-pride is not aggressive except in so far as the human race is concerned. We use the term ‘human race’ as a matter of convenience, for in reality and from the egoist point of view there is no such thing as the human race. There does, however, exist a community, to which, in fact, the term can be applied and the existence of which is admitted by the humans themselves. It is the spiritually homogeneous group, to membership of which all humans throughout the world deliberately adhere, regardless of their whereabouts and of their country of domicile; and it to this group of human beings to which we give the title ‘human race.’”

— Max Stirner, the Fuhrer of the German Autonomous Zone

“Our self-pride is not aggressive except in so far as the human race is concerned. We use the term ‘human race’ as a matter of convenience, for in reality and from the egoist point of view there is no such thing as the human race. There does, however, exist a community, to which, in fact, the term can be applied and the existence of which is admitted by the humans themselves. It is the spiritually homogeneous group, to membership of which all humans throughout the world deliberately adhere, regardless...

So there's this phenomenon of "egoist X-ism," the idea that Stirnerian egoism and certain "-isms" are compatible… somehnw. Even though any "-ism" always remains in the world of ideas while you sit here and deny your self-interests based on ideological determination. Aside from meta-anarchism which avoids ideological purity and utopian thinking I'm not sure how egoism can be compatible with any "-ism" whatsoever aside from maybe opportunism. It boggles my mind how certain Stirnerites call themselves "egocoms" or "egomuts" or "egocaps" or "egowhateverthefucks" unironically. It's just baffling to me. At least anarcho-nihilism is more compatible with Stirnerism. Anarcho-nihilists are like: "I don't give a fuck, let's just destroy society." That at least I can understand.
So there's this phenomenon of "egoist X-ism," the idea that Stirnerian egoism and certain "-isms" are compatible… somehnw. Even though any "-ism" always remains in the world of ideas while you sit here and deny your self-interests based on ideological determination. Aside from meta-anarchism which avoids ideological purity and utopian thinking I'm not sure how egoism can be compatible with any "-ism" whatsoever aside from maybe opportunism. It boggles my mind how certain Stirnerites call themselves...
Yes, I'm a criminal mastermind who has a hot girlfriend, how did you know?
Art and entertainment are an antidote to our emotional pain.
@eris At first I thought that the Lisp symbol on your thumbnail was a Half-Life reference.
Продолжая два предыдущих поста, это сасный мод на San Andreas, в котором переделали весь геймплей. И по мне Паучок управляется тут не так коряво как в четверке или пятёрке. Вообще мне кажется, что в San Andreas можно запилить моды покруче, чем в новых частях. К тому же исходники уже слиты.
Самый говяный мод с Пауком был как раз у пятёрки, у четвёрки был получше, но управлялся там Паук не так плавно, и были какие-то странные глюки с ползаньем по стенам.
Ещё один интересный фан-проект по Пауку. В этот раз с полётами от первого лица:
А я и не говорил, что анархисты — не марксисты. Просто они пересекаются, про Кропоткина, Гольдман и Малатесту я всё прекрасно знаю.
@nyx @nodefunallowed As I go on with my life I start to realize that capitalism is a fucking human centipede of class exploitation, starting from global capitalists and going right to the rock bottom of the lumpenproles. Like, even customers get exploited by companies, everyone gets raped in the ass. Literally everyone, noone is safe.
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