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2 posts total
Mark Shane Hayden

I will be performing upgrades on my instance this evening so there will possibly (likely lol) be intermittent outages between 9PM and midnight MDT (UTC-6)

This includes OS updates as well as Mastodon, and a high possibility of a migration to Hometown. Such a migration should be minimally disruptive and would add additional features for locally scoped posts and list management

Mark Shane Hayden

well it looks like I'm upgraded/migrated to **Hometown** 1.0.5+3.4.0!

Proper rendering of articles vs notes (toots/posts)!

local or federated posts!

exclusive lists!

Thanks @darius for sharing your masto fork with the world!

Mark Shane Hayden

#MastoAdmin malarkey follows...

So I went through the upgrade process to bring my masto instance up to v3.3.0 last night and I've been fighting ever since with a weird problem. I cannot use it with the web front end anymore! Whenever I try to go to the web page I get a "fake 404" page that says "File /poco does not exist" and does a directory listing of my root dir! Oddly enough everything else works (API and streaming and admin URLs, and I am federation and can use Tusky on a mobile fine!)

Mark Shane Hayden

OK I nuked my masto install Directory completely and reinstalled and restored and it's STILL borked! What is this poco and why is my web front end complaining about it being missing?!

@Gargron ?



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