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6 posts total

@sakiamu Recreate the program in in at least two other languages, and one has too be one you’re starting to learn.

@zens @codefolio


@axoplasm Use regex where ever possible. ♥️ regex.



@zens Check to make sure the comments are correct.

Just make it run. No one is going to care.

Go for a walk.

Check the vibes.

Get your chakras realigned.

Get the program’s chakras realigned.

It’s probably the computer.

It’s probably the fung shui of the room.


@travis Seriously. I don’t break out code until I’ve written it at least twice.



@zens Garbage pile programmer checking in.

This is true.

Halfway through the program I will understand the problem space enough to realize everything I did was incorrect. I will also realize I don’t have time to correct it, and push through until the program is feature complete.

@arnelson @enkiv2

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