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2,664 posts total

Turns out that Microsoft owns the trademark for X. 😆

Skeeter Ray

If a thunderstorm's brewin', seek shelter under a starry night; it warms the soul.

Jody Lemoine 🇨🇦

@yogthos …and switch to airplane mode rather than hanging up. It keeps the illusion consistent.


Paper cuts are so painful because at a microscopic level paper is quite rough. A knife makes a straight cut, but paper acts like a saw blade and does more damage to nerve endings. Paper also leaves behind tiny fibres, irritating the wound even more.


Innovations in School Systems: China vs US


Spanish minister uses a private jet to attend a climate conference. 100 metres before the venue she gets out off the limo and takes a bicycle. The security cars follow her. 🤡

Dr rer pol Nicolas Theodosakis

@yogthos See watch το ανακοίνωσε ήδη. Διπρόσωπη η αντιμετώπιση των δυο ανθρώπινων τραγωδιων

nikluz (meow/purr)

@yogthos Any loss of life is tragic, but I understand the political statement.

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🎉 MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

@yogthos Would it be possible for you to also add a short media description? - It really helps blind and visually handicapped people with using the fediverse! ❤️


It’s deeper than just being physically tired. It’s a full on battle against a toxic system that doesn’t see you as human.


Here are Copilot Chat's confidential rules


deploying LLMs to production be like

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Richservo :verified:

@yogthos cofounded by Elon musk ladies and gentlemen.

@yogthos :D or it could start swearing at you. or like bing "You are a bad user. I am a good Bing :)"
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