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The world is headed for a multipolar economy that will no longer be dominated by the dollar. This doesn't mean that the dollar will be going away any time soon, but it does mean that dollar based economy will shrink and with it the power that US wields over the world.

Simon Brooke

@yogthos The dollar being the world's principal trading currency has effectively allowed the US to extract rent out of everyone who traded commodities round the world, because they had to hold dollars in order to do so.

Of course, that rent-seeking opportunity is not disappearing, it's just switching to China. Big economic powers will always systematically benefit from market economies at the expense of the poor.


The CIA boss has urgently flown to Saudi Arabia to express US "frustration" that peace is breaking out in the Middle East against the wishes of Washington.


@yogthos They have no shame at all publicly telling out to the world that they want middle east to burn 🔥 😒


India will offer its currency as an alternative for trade to countries that are facing a shortage of dollars in the wake of the sharpest tightening in monetary policy by the US Federal Reserve in decades.


@yogthos There was practically an XML lobby back then. It felt like their objective was to make everything 10x more complex than it needed to be. It was insane.


Protesters storm BlackRock’s Paris office holding red flares and firing smoke bombs


Macron said that under no circumstances nuclear weapons be deployed outside the territory of states. I couldn't agree more. I couldn't agree more.


Segment Anything Model can identify individual objects in images and videos, even those not encountered during training licensed under Apache-2.0


Beijing has effectively frozen high level bilateral diplomatic contact with US in the wake of the Chinese spy balloon incident in February.


A debate on the topic "Is the Chinese system better than the American/European one at providing stability, prosperity, and freedom?"


aleksana :pusheenwalk:

@yogthos In China, most historical news pages and government release pages were removed, while many other types of lifestyle articles were left unaffected. Many people believe that this may be to prevent the government from keeping its promises, and the powerful willfully guide the public's emotions to satisfy their own interests.

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@yogthos @psentee also AWS engineers discussing how to serve a website that consists of one static index.html file


@yogthos Judging by the PPE, they appear to take cable management very seriously.

so simple yet so complex

@astro is my current solution to go with

@yogthos but these days two guys next to you are having a half hour discussion and further down the open office a guy is in a Teams meeting with five others.


People often focus on China's top down central planning system. However, local governments (provinces, cities, villages, etc.) account for 85% of the country's expenditures while the OECD average is... 33%.

Whilst on avg countries spend 66% of their expenditures centrally, China's central gvt only spends 15%, letting local authorities spend the rest.

Doing so, it empowers them to do a lot of local experimentation, which can be emulated countrywide if successful.

People often focus on China's top down central planning system. However, local governments (provinces, cities, villages, etc.) account for 85% of the country's expenditures while the OECD average is... 33%.

Whilst on avg countries spend 66% of their expenditures centrally, China's central gvt only spends 15%, letting local authorities spend the rest.

loathesome dongeater


> Second, China continues to rely almost entirely on business taxes, collected through a value-added tax on business-to-business transfers and a corporate income tax. Since 1990, these business taxes have made up between 60 and 75 percent of tax revenue. Consumption taxes (7 percent) and individual income taxes (6.3 percent of total revenue in 2021) are relatively unimportant. The remaining 15 percent of government revenue comes from central and local fees.

this is also very cool


Denmark former minister arrested for telling ppl US was spying on European countries. Turns out that revealing US crimes is considered a crime under the US-led Rules Based Reich.


@yogthos This is not a story of an honest politician who turned whistleblower because he believed the truth would bring justice. No, this is the story about a shitty reactionary ghoul who couldn't keep his mouth shut when bragging about what a good and useful tool he was for the Americans.
He is a horrible person who has spent a long political career doing evil to vulnerable people. He is not one to feel sorry for.


Domestic Chinese IC designers are expected to move toward the 4nm manufacturing process in the next 2 to 4 years

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