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Web comic

Panel 1: Aged version of cookie monster sits in front of a computer, saying "I clicked accept all cookies!"

Panel 2: Cookie monster starts smashing monitor saying "where are my fucking cookies?!"

Panel 3: Teacher next to "computers for seniors" sign saying "Ehm, hehe, we covered that last week sir."

Panel 4: Cookie monster screams and starts tearing up the classroom, teacher on phone saying "we're gonna need security in here again"

JC Brand


You can get pretty far with just drums from animal skins and some mushrooms you foraged from the forest.


@warandpeas The last scene of this cartoon should have been the knight off on his way to find another princess ;)

Blogfeedser 🐝☝️

@warandpeas How is it possible after the destruction of all living things on the planet that one living thing comes up asking another for a story? 🤔

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