discipline rules the world
never has motivation ruled instead.
if you ever feel exhausted and unsure of your skill you must continue persistently.
this is how you can reach anything.
like everything.
7 posts total
discipline rules the world never has motivation ruled instead. if you ever feel exhausted and unsure of your skill you must continue persistently. this is how you can reach anything. like everything. sadly our brains are not that precise, it's either an enormous task of foreseeing or enormous task of shitcoding. or both. despite the fact that i've been programming in c for years only now i found out that integer overflow and similar stuff is not defined for signed integers only because logically only unsigned integers are well-defined to allow doing many useful bitwise operations. how did that sneak through me i wonder. я тут подумал, что если попробовать сделать формальную систему описания отношений компонентов системы для того, чтобы потом их удобно можно было отображать на языки программирования, чтобы сразу иметь понимание, как вести разработку...
i remember that one i tried searching for a build system for c that was customizable. and i mean flexibly customizable, not that pseudo editable bullshit like cmake, mason or something else I found. i just wanted to write a custom build script that had to fetch information about the executable being compiled and further provide a relocatable file to be linked into the executable. well in the end I found it to be `make`. yey. |
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