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2 posts total

This extreme heat is just the beginning. We should be scared – and channel this emotion into action. Here's some ways:

- vote for political parties that can affect change
- become vegan & persuade others to
- reduce, reuse, repair & recycle
- change home energy source to renewable and use it less
- bike, electric car, fly less
- switch shit off at the walls
- plant trees, protect and conserve green areas
- change to an 'ethical bank'


This extreme heat is just the beginning. We should be scared – and channel this emotion into action. Here's some ways:

- vote for political parties that can affect change
- become vegan & persuade others to
- reduce, reuse, repair & recycle
- change home energy source to renewable and use it less
- bike, electric car, fly less
- switch shit off at the walls
- plant trees, protect and conserve green areas
- change to an 'ethical bank'


- minimise waste, that includes food waste
- tell other people what you are doing about this, raise awareness
- protest, get your voice heard

What have I missed?



I have the beginnings of a digital garden / memex / wiki.

It is here:

It is mainly for documenting and supporting me with the growth of what I'm calling, the sustainable & ethical creative experimental studio I'm setting up.

But I'll also be updating it to the internet as it might contain things that other people might want to know.

Warning: it's at the early stages and permanently a work in progress.



The concept of "Digital Garden" is super nice.
Congratulations! I really enjoy reading sites like yours where "Everything is a work in progress" 🙂

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