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2 posts total
Buenaventura Luxemburg har nu support för #events i #Malmö och #Lund! Extremt fett om vi kan slippa vara låsta till Facebook. Vill då också varmt rekommendera alla att gå på det här eventet på Möllevångstorget på fredag kl 18:

#FreeZnar #FuckErdogan

ᵒᵏ wakest

@prosaluxemburg ah wow they added Malmö! Some comrades at #solpunk this year were showing/telling me about this website and its cool to see it getting such active use!

Buenaventura Luxemburg

Is there a good #Fediverse service for #events? It feels like a lot of orgs use facebook for this, it would be nice with an option for something different. I guess part of the issue is just adoption - the massive number of facebook users etc making it hard to migrate from there.

Buenaventura Luxemburg

Lots of people recommending #mobilizon for #fediverse #events here! Anyone have experience with #gancio ? Also, it seems as if mobilizon only truly federates with other mobilizon instances - using my masto account to attend events does not seem possible? Or have I misunderstood something?

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