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22 posts total
PCAPdroid is a privacy-friendly open source app which lets you track, analyze and block the connections made by the other apps in your #android device. It also allows you to export a PCAP dump of the traffic, inspect HTTP, decrypt TLS traffic and much more!

#PCAPdroid simulates a VPN in order to capture the network traffic without root. It does not use a remote VPN server. All the data is processed locally on the device.

@ua @rf
PCAPdroid is a privacy-friendly open source app which lets you track, analyze and block the connections made by the other apps in your #android device. It also allows you to export a PCAP dump of the traffic, inspect HTTP, decrypt TLS traffic and much more!
#NekoX is an free and open source third-party #Telegram #android client, based on Telegram-FOSS with features added.

@D2I пока очень очень очень приятно.


A lightweight approach to removing Google web service dependency.

ungoogled-chromium is Google Chromium, sans dependency on Google web services.
ungoogled-chromium retains the default Chromium experience as closely as possible. Unlike other Chromium forks that have their own visions of a web browser, ungoogled-chromium is essentially a drop-in replacement for Chromium.
ungoogled-chromium features tweaks to enhance privacy, control, and transparency. However, almost all of these features must be manually activated or enabled.

@ua @rf

A lightweight approach to removing Google web service dependency.

@rf @ua You Can’t Always Get What You Want - Ukrainian Choir / The Rolling Stones - Vienna - 15th July 2022 /
Leakuidator+ :: Protect your identity on the web.

Leakuidator+ helps users to protect themselves against cross-site leaks, a class of vulnerabilities derived from side-channels built into the web platform.

When browsing the web, #Leakuidator+ keeps users safe against deanonymization attacks by protecting their online identities associated with storage sites such as Google Drive, One Drive, and Dropbox; media sharing sites such as YouTube, Google Photos, Amazon Photos, and Flickr; code-hosting repositories such as GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and Assembla; social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and other websites.

@rf @ua
Leakuidator+ :: Protect your identity on the web.

Leakuidator+ helps users to protect themselves against cross-site leaks, a class of vulnerabilities derived from side-channels built into the web platform.
Android application for on-line privacy and security.

InviZible Pro. (Open source)
New version 5.8.0

Keeps privacy, prevents tracking, gets access to blocked and hidden on-line resources.

InviZible Pro uses DNSCrypt, Tor and Purple I2P to achieve maximum security, privacy and comfortable use of the Internet.

DNS is used by most applications to translate domain names into IP addresses to find a remote server with the site that you want to visit. But this communication is not encrypted and can be used by attackers. DNSCrypt encrypts and authenticates DNS traffic, thus preventing DNS tracking and spoofing.

Tor encrypts Internet traffic and hides your actual location. It uses thousands of computers around the world to mask your IP address and prevents activity tracking to preserve your privacy and anonymity. Tor also provides access to onion services. These are sites that are in a completely hidden network without censorship.

The Invisible Internet Project (I2P) is a hidden anonymous network. It includes thousands of computers distributed around the world. Purple I2P encrypts the traffic of your device and sends it through these computers to ensure privacy and anonymity. Start I2P to access i2p sites and other Invisible Internet hidden services.

InviZible Pro can use root, if your device has root privileges, or uses a local VPN to deliver Internet traffic to Tor, DNSCrypt and I2P networks.

- InviZible Pro does not support ipv6 at this time.

* No root required
* Hides location and IP
* Unblocks the restricted web content
* Prevents tracking
* Allows access to hidden networks
* ARP spoofing detection
* Built-in firewall
* Tethering supported
* No analytics
* No advertisements
* Open source
* Material design theme

Premium feature:
* Automatic Updates – Use the latest versions of InviZible Pro, and its modules such as DNSCrypt , Tor, and Purple I2P.
* Absence of reminder about the need to support the project.
* Priority technical advice.
* Material design night theme

What's New
* Updated Tor to version 4.7.8.
* Updated Tor snowflake bridge to version 2.2.0.
* Updated Tor obfs4proxy to version 0.0.13.
* Updated Purple I2P to version 2.42.1.
* Implemented real-time connection logs for Root mode.
* Improved real-time connection logs for VPN mode.
* Added a switch to enable/disable real-time connection logs.
* Improved firewall for Root mode.
* The "Run modules with Root" option is no longer supported and will be hidden in the Common Settings.

Please visit the project’s page:

Download from Google Play:


Take a look at source code:

#android #internet #vpn #anonymous #privacy #confidentiality #dnscrypt #tor #i2p #vpn #proxy #invizible #inviziblepro @rf @ua
Android application for on-line privacy and security.

InviZible Pro. (Open source)
New version 5.8.0
@rf @ua Julian Lennon Performs 'IMAGINE' for Global Citizen's Stand Up For Ukraine w/Nuno Bettencourt /
@rf @ua Никогда мы не будем братьями (песня Анастасии Дмитрук) /
@rf @ua Masters of War /

Вы, мастера войны,
Строите огромные пушки,
Строите смертоносные самолеты,
Строите бесконечные бомбы,
Прячетесь за стенами
Своих кабинетов.

Вы не сделали ничего,
Кроме орудий убийств.
Вы играете моим миром,
Будто это игрушка.

Когда летят пули,
Вы, как Иуды,
Лжете и уверяете нас,
Что мировую войну можно выиграть.

Вы отправляете других нажимать на курок,
А сами отсиживаетесь и считаете тела убитых.
Вы прячетесь в своих особняках,
Пока кровь льется из молодых тел
и уходит в грязь.

Вы повергли нас в самый страшный страх -
Страх приносить детей
В этот мир, который им угрожает.
Вы недостойны крови, которая течет в ваших жилах.

Вы можете сказать, что я молод
И многого еще не знаю.
Но одно я знаю твердо.
Хотя я моложе, чем вы -
Даже Иисус никогда не простит
Вам то, что вы творите.

Скажите мне одну вещь:
Те деньги, которые вы получаете,
Купят ли они вам искупление?
Думаете, купят?
А я думаю, что когда смерть предъявит свои права,
Никакие деньги не смогут выкупить вашу душу.

И я надеюсь, вы умрете,
И смерть ваша будет скорой,
И я буду идти за вашим гробом,
И буду смотреть, как он уйдет в землю,
И буду стоять над вашей могилой,
Пока не удостоверюсь, что вы мертвы.
@rf @ua Masters of War /

Вы, мастера войны,
Строите огромные пушки,
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