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10 posts total
Mario Guzman 🏳️‍🌈

My apps Music Widget & Music MiniPlayer have been updated with Italian Localization! Get the update now!

Mario Guzman 🏳️‍🌈

My iPhone refuses to use the new Mastodon app icon. 😅 Watch the video.

Rajdeep Singha

@marioguzman atleast you get a glimpse of it, mine stays blue all the time

Patrick Siebenbürgen

@marioguzman mine is also blue still, only the web-app and favicon of actually represents the new brand color

Johannes ヨハネス

@marioguzman I had the same issue with Instagram’s new icon. If you remove it from the Home Screen and add it again, it will be the new icon. Seems like some caching issue…

Mario Guzman 🏳️‍🌈

Got me some “BasicAppleGuy” (on bird site) Merch! These are sooooo cool! 🤩

Mario Guzman 🏳️‍🌈

I miss old "Graphite." When it wasn't just plain gray.

Григорий Клюшников

I miss the time when UIs were both functional AND pretty. I loathe this sterile, characterless stuff of today that only looks half-decent if you look at it like it's a picture in a museum.

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Cameron Mulder

@marioguzman looks nice but I will never understand the mechanical keyboard thing.

Jake Rodkin

@marioguzman Looks great! I would love a slim mechanical keyboard like that that could also be screwed around with, but I don’t think anyone really makes caps for this form factor?

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