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2 posts total
#plan9 updates! some nice progress today:

Hooked up my laptop to the closed network via wired connection (which has its stack in /net), then connected its wireless interface to the home network (placing the stack in /net.alt)

Then my dhcp server inside the closed network can remotely mount /net.alt from the laptop, bind it over its own /net in one window (thus making it the default network stack for that namespace), and use it to access the home network from inside the closed network, via the laptop

I also found out why my dns wasnt working properly, but didnt get around to fixing it yet
#plan9 updates! some nice progress today:

Hooked up my laptop to the closed network via wired connection (which has its stack in /net), then connected its wireless interface to the home network (placing the stack in /net.alt)
plan9 progress: got a lil network + dhcp server going! still having a few dns issues but getting there.

Would like to figure out pxe booting but its out of my grasp so far :02_sad:
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