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13 posts total
big thembo energy

unironically listening to the basingstoke theme

big thembo energy

never realised they played this on the yogscast jingle jam

i really hope i can find the time to watch it this year because i used to love watching it around the holiday period

big thembo energy

would now be a good time to set up an instance on ``

because i do own that

or ``

Eugen Rochko

@grufwub You could offer to take over radtown so it doesn't have to shut down

big thembo energy

why is sex-ed described as "the birds and the bees"

what bullshit kink is this

Eugen Rochko

@grufwub Which one of you is the bird, and which one the bee

big thembo energy

just a heads up for fediverse instance admins

given everything going on, and people often using the fediverse to post protest pics, advice etc. now would be a really good time to start deleting your nginx (haproxy etc) logs for connected IPs :)

I'm not sure how much Mastodon itself actually stores, @Gargron you got any useful advice here?


@grufwub @Gargron admin interface lists user ips, possibly a good idea to configure your reverse proxy to not pass the remote ip to mastodon in the first place. not sure if you can non-destructively drop the old data

big thembo energy

gophor now supports haproxy protocol!

though modified for gopher slightly. if gophor is the one doing the proxying, it adds a proxy path to the end of the proxy header, which gophor will check for and use to build appropriate returned selectors bearing this in mind

so as a proxy itself, gophor is NOT haproxy protocol compliant. but sitting behind a proxy, it absolutely is :)

big thembo energy

I do want to implement gemini protocol, and i was going to do so as an addition to gophor so it handled both gopher and gemini

but that feels a bit too much for the feature creep. instead i'm tempted to clone the project at its current state, gut the gopher related shit and replace with gemini

big thembo energy

if it turns out Boris Johnson has a minecraft account i will lose my fucking shit

big thembo energy

if it turns out he's owned it since alpha i will straight up eat my shorts

big thembo energy

I love how reading random tech posts, you now can run into people just casually mentioning "the fediverse" and conversations they've had on there

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