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34 posts total
Jessica!!! :kirby: :verified:

Happy 9th birthday to my sweet kitty, Loki!! He is the first cat I adopted while living in Texas. I got him in hopes that he would also be a friend for October (RIP), but they never really hit it off. Now he plays with 1-year-old Gizmo all the time. He's so smart and mischievous, and he has the cutest little face that always seems to look angry or drunk in photos no matter what I do! Happy Birthday Loki, I love you! ❤️❤️❤️

Jessica!!! :kirby: :verified:

Today has been a little rough, but thankful for kitty cuddles.

Jessica!!! :kirby: :verified:

Today would have been October's 12th birthday. This photo was taken about 1 month before he passed away last May. I feel sad today. I still miss him so much. He was the best kitty I ever had. Part of the reason I had a birthday party for Gizmo a couple weeks back was to have a very happy celebration this month as well. Happy Birthday in Heaven, October. I love you with my whole heart and I always will. ❤️

Jessica!!! :kirby: :verified:

Tomorrow is October's birthday. He would have been 12. I miss my kitty so much. He's been gone 10 months now. It's not fair and I still wish I could have him back. F*ck cancer. I love you with my whole heart sweet boy, and I always will.

Jessica!!! :kirby: :verified:

Well, I was trying to color my Godzilla coloring book... XD

Jessica!!! :kirby: :verified:

Happy First Birthday, Gizmo!! @rdavidr89 and I adopted Gizmo in June of last year, after the passing of my soul kitty, October, in May. Gizmo quickly filled our house with love and joy and he always keeps us (and Loki and Sakura!) on our toes. This was David's first experience with a kitten and I think he enjoyed it. Here's to many many more birthdays Gizmo, Mommy and Daddy love you so much! ❤️❤️❤️

Jessica!!! :kirby: :verified:

Anyway, here's the cute picture of Gizmo that I tried to post on his Instagram account when Meta broke...

Jessica!!! :kirby: :verified:

Speaking of my kitty Gizmo, he is turning one (1) on Thursday and I'm having a birthday party for him. I'm so excited. I have party favors and we got him so many gifts omg. I've never done this for one of my cats before, but Gizmo has had a pretty hard life already, which in turn was also hard for us, so celebration of this milestone is good! The party favors are to adopt a cat and make a collar for them 😸 #

Jessica!!! :kirby: :verified:

Gizmo was jealous when Sakura was eating a late breakfast this morning. (The unfairness of a locked cat door! 😆)

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