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I'm going to subtoot @atomicpoet's recent threads about the variety of #Fediverse platforms an people's unwillingness to look beyond #Mastodon here, with my personal opinion on what is the fundamental issue with all of the existing platforms: that even when they were born after and with the intent to support #ActivityPub, they were not designed with a clear separation between the server side (who should just be exchanging and storing activities) and the frontend (with which the user interacts).


The recent developments have made me realize that I should probably write a #FirefoxRequiem series not unlike the #OperaRequiem I started when the first news of its sellout came around, but the truth is that I've never been invested in #Mozilla #Firefox the way I was in the #OperaBrowser, and @mozilla's failure (intentional or not) to keep their browser at the forefront of the defense of #OpenStandards and a free web really doesn't help.


I don't know how much credence to give the voices claiming that today @mozilla is essentially controlled opposition, but there's little doubt that they are putting suspiciously low effort in making sure that their browser is appealingly competitive, preferring to pour resources in side endeavors that I doubt help them in any way in improving the cash flow, other than distracting them from improving the product Google doesn't want to see being improved.


So, my take on this is that apparently #BigTech wants to kill #OpenStreetMap next
I understand @migurski enthusiasm about it, as he can count it as a personal victory in this initial phase of the #Embrace, but we have not forgotten the #XMPP bait and switch. #Extend, #Extinguish are next, and we would rather NOT see #OSM get the #EEE treatment.


The #Fediverse isn't Web 3.0, it's Web for Workgroups 3.11


@oblomov Proved more successful than TW/2 Warp - even though it was technologically more advanced.

Patiently waiting for Fedi NT 4.0...

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