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Beto Dealmeida

Thirty years of Internet have shown me that:

1. Self hosting is always worth the trouble.
2. Open source is always a better option in the long run.

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Simon Brooke

@beto Self hosting was great when I could afford a leased line into the house. It's not really 'self hosting' when it's out in the cloud, and managing cloud servers is not as easy.

Katy Swain

@beto I do not understand why the IT industry doesn't work like the plumbing, or electrical, or whatever, industry. You have a server sitting in a cupboard, or in your attic, or wherever. When something goes wrong you can call any one of dozens of local businesses to fix it. It plugs into municipal infrastructure.

The IT state of the art is basically Word Perfect, Lotus 1-2-3, and AOL, but with advertising, surveillance, censorship, and your data held hostage on the mainframe (or "cloud").

Diana Probst, Cambridge Artist

@beto 3) You have money and time to do the above.

It is really not possible for a lot of people. Experts underestimate the learning curve, which was often different when they set out.

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