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2 posts total
LambLeeg :blobfoxcomfysip:

I have read that FreeBSD keeps throwing up GPL code, and I wanna say one thing here:
"BSD, f&ck you!"
Because the BSD license cannot be called free if you have long-term thinking, and also it makes me happy that GNU and GPL (especially GPL3) packages/apps are wider used by people than BSD ones that is especially a paradise of proprietary software. There's only one thing with the BSD license that I respect, and it's Void Linux because it's actually unique project

#thoughts #bsd #gnu #gpl #foss

I have read that FreeBSD keeps throwing up GPL code, and I wanna say one thing here:
"BSD, f&ck you!"
Because the BSD license cannot be called free if you have long-term thinking, and also it makes me happy that GNU and GPL (especially GPL3) packages/apps are wider used by people than BSD ones that is especially a paradise of proprietary software. There's only one thing with the BSD license that I respect, and it's Void Linux because it's actually unique project

LambLeeg :blobfoxcomfysip:

KDE and Gnome users are usually like enemies, but in fact, they use the same systems. It's pretty sad to see how fans of both DEs are fighting each other online. I mean, those DEs have different style and approaches, and even a purpose is different. Why would anyone compare them? It's like a comparison of Linux and Windows; damn, they are meant for different things and cannot be compared :blobcatgooglyshrug:

#linux #foss #gnome #kde

Sheogorath 🦊

@LambLeeg the weirdest part is, that while some users fight their religious wars, most developers have agreed to disagree on some topics and collaborate on standards like, wayland, … to make a good overall experience possible.

It's really weird when people fight over DEs.

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