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2 posts total
Egor Kotov 🌐🏃🦟

#30DayMapChallenge #AI_only #HumanMobility I tried to teach DALL-E about locations of Spanish cities. I even gave it a real map to learn. It failed miserably ;) To make an actual map of human mobility from real data in Spain use #rstats #spanishoddata package

AI generated map of human mobility in Spain. This image is produced with DALL-E 3
Training image for DALL-E to learn where the Spanish cities are.
DALL-E learns from an image of a map of Spain and receives a prompt to generate a map.
Egor Kotov 🌐🏃🦟

Side note, I have actually tried many times, and no matter what I do, it just fails to to any city, even with a wrong name to where Barcelona should be.

Egor Kotov 🌐🏃🦟

#30DayMapChallenge #journey all journeys in Spain in one day (cheating a little bit here, as this was done back in 2023, very little time to create new maps while at a conference)

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