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8 posts total
remi (noelle kinnie)

β€œyou can’t arrange your icons by penis!!” πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“

remi (noelle kinnie)

i take back everything i said about smart homes being cool, i just stepped in cat poo due to my bathroom light not turning on since HASS was upgrading

β €

@remi wait a second. Why not just have a motion activated light? Doesn't need software updates or internet access.

remi (noelle kinnie)

idea: multiplayer javascript
* twitch plays arch linux but worse
* users vote on next letter to input
* letter is input into a text field, synced with everyohe on the website
* when enter is pressed, all users browsers eval the code, and input is cleared
what could
possibly go wrong? /heavy sarcasm

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