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Michael - [ now is the time ]

Just migrated to this account today from another instance, so here’s a new #introduction. I’m interested in finding people to follow with shared interests, please do say hi. 🙏

I’m #buddhist #vegan #queer #austistic. I’m interested in #Buddhism, #Dharma, #Zen, the #ClimateCrisis, #SciFi. I’ve studied #anthropology, and am writing a PhD on #SETI, #Astrobiology, and the search for life. 🌏

Michael - [ now is the time ]

Continuing my #introduction.

Elders whose words, practices, and writing inspire me include #ThichNhatHanh #bellhooks #UrsulaLeGuin #AngelaDavis and #GraceLeeBoggs among others.

I'm currently reading two sci-fi books, alternating between them: #OctaviaButler's Xenogenesis trilogy, I'm on the second book Adulthood rites. And #WilliamGibson's Blue Ant trilogy, I'm on the third book Zero History.

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