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Me: "I'm so busy today."

Also me during my lunch break:

#diy #CatsOfMastodon #caturday #stray


Has a whole ass bed, nay a WHOLE HOUSE to himself, lays on my pillow 🫠#catsofmastodon #caturday


Ahh to be a cat in the morning sun ❤️ #catsofmastodon

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Wilson :WilsonGoof:

@Gina Awesome views!! Hope you enjoyed your trip to Rotto and meeting us quokkas! :WilsonSelfie:

lalalala sombra

@Gina Happiness is just a 25hr flight away 😁

Earthy in EV heaven

@Gina not to be critical or anything, but these lovable creatures are quokkas not quakkas.


Sharing this pic of the handsomest cat in the universe to make up for my complaining about airports. #catsofmastodon


Me at 20: "Omg look at the weird lady drinking coffee with her cat in the park."

Me at 30: "Let me put a glass straw in my coffee."


If 30 is this nice I can't imagine what life in my 40's will be like 😎


"What I do on my lunch break? Oh you know, just casually painting the legs of my bed." #wfh


My assistant is being incredibly useful, as always. #catsofmastodon


"Are you sure you wouldn't rather work from the office?" #wfh #lolnope


Meanwhile this guy is just living his best life right next to me! 😤


After 4 months of travelling, I'm finally reunited with Dutch the cat ❤😻


Had a moment of realization today that my friends and I are growing apart. It's not just lockdown, it's them starting families and slowly retreating into their family units. Is this the 30+ life? Because it sucks so far.

Darius Kazemi

@Gina Yeah, this happens. You will find people who raise kids who do not simply retreat into family life though, and you should hold on to them.


Almost forgot about #caturday. I present to you, the most handsome intruder of home and heart. ❤️ #catsofmastodon


Hired a part-time office manager for my home office. #catsofmastodon

Productivity level: -8
Cuteness level: +11

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