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7 posts total
Information Is Beautiful

If you're aged 30 or more, then 50% of all human fossil fuel emissions happened during your lifetime

Bar chart shows the % of global fossil fuel emissions occurring in a lifetime with bars of different length for ages from 5 to 100 years. More emissions happen over a longer lifetime. During the life of an 85 year old, 90% of all  emissions happened. For someone age of 30 the rate is already 50%
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I wrote a blog post about this graph a few months ago!

Its a great graph, but it (therefore) deserves an update!

(Maybe also interesting for @BartVerheggen)



"Evil needs you to doubt yourselves, and humanity.

Or it cannot win.

And will instead definitely fail."



That red spot deep into Russia got me searching for the cause. Seems like it's the Udmurts of Perm.

Information Is Beautiful

Another reasons to tut at the Mercator Map projection - how a circle with a radius of 5,000km, centred on Paris, looks according the the Mercator projection

A circle placed on a world map using the Mercator projection shows how distorting this way of depicting the world has become. The circle is highly distended forming a large tear-shaped with undue size and prominence given to the northern portion.
Information Is Beautiful

The world’s solar capacity reached 1,419 gigawatts in 2023, way beyond any predictions. 1 gigawatt = power for a medium sized city ☀️

A line chart plots global capacity of solar power measured in gigawatts. From 2010 capacity starts to grow exponentially, way beyond a series of predictions drawn as lines in yellow. Actual installations have been more than 3x higher than their five year forecasts.
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Oscar Acedo Nuñez

@infobeautiful esto es #turbocapitalismo en su máxima expresión y no tiene nada de verde pero si de sostemible

Bernd Paysan R.I.P Natenom 🕯️

@infobeautiful And the predictions are still off every fucking year. They never get it that we are in the exponential growth phase.

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